Webinar: The Pandemic’s Financial Impact on Each Generation
To register for this program, please contact Brianna Reeder at brianna@ncbankers.org.
This webinar is being produced by Focused Results and will look at the post COVID-19 financial impact on each generation, including the opinions, views and behaviors of each generation. From the delay of retirement for baby boomers, to the financial squeeze on millennials, attendees will learn how to modify strategies to preserve and grow business from each generational segment. We will examine adjustments to digital and virtual customer approaches and experiences. There is a generational wave of wealth transference that may be delayed, and registrants will learn how to manage their role in it. Attendees will discover specific actions to take to improve service to each generation that will then enable organizational revenue to increase by 10% or more.
Specific topics will include:
- The big differences between generations and the startling similarities in decision-making
- Which marketing approaches appeal to each generation
- New ways to use digital tools to engage all groups in-person
- Checking, deposit products, e-banking, wealth management and insurance
- The troubling role of credit
- Educational approaches
- Tactical road map to beat your competition
And much more!