Be an NCBA Star Student – Get Good Grades, Get Involved, Give Back
John Sullivan: In high school your academic record was sensational – you were first in a class of more than 200. You were a varsity cheerleader, a member of Beta Club, did a lot of volunteering. Many people would agree you were popular, though you aren’t sure, preferring to say you were well-known. Either way you felt you had to put up a front, like you were wearing a mask, because you couldn’t be your true self. That sounds exhaustng. What advice would you give other middle and high schoolers feeling the same way?
Sarah Bass: Don’t rely on anyone else’s opinion except your own. There’s no need to try to make youself seem better than you are, because you’re true self is better.
JS: What excites you the most about college?
SB: Putting myself out there, considering all the different paths to take, directions to go. Meeting new people and seeing new faces
JS: What do you plan to major in?
SB: Biology.
JS: What do you see yourself doing in 20 years?
SB: Conducting lab research because I’m interested in curing diseases.
JS: If you could change one thing about our country right now, what would it be?
SB: Homelessness. It seems like every time I turn a corner I see a homeless person. It makes me feel horrible, and I don’t think as a country we are taking the initiave to solve it.
JS: Of all your accomplishments what are you most proud of?
SB: My volunteer work at the hosptial. It changed my whole perspective. I loved meeting cancer patients and talking with them and seeing how it made them smile, brightened their day.
JS: Time for the Rapid Response Round. Favorite color?
SB: Purple.
JS: You said that way too quickly.
SB: (Laughing) to be specific, it’s actually periwinkle.
JS: I’m not familiar with that one. There must not be a periwinkle crayon.
SB: It’s like a purpley-blue. I’ve just always loved it.
JS: Lucky number?
SB: Three. It started in pre-school and it’s stayed with me.
JS: What social media platform do you spend the most time on?
SB: TikTok.
JS: Cat or dog?
SB: Dog. I’m not a big dog person, but we actually have two.
JS: Beach or mountains? SB: Beach.
JS: Read a story or write a story?
SB: Read a story. I like to read about history. One of my favorites is called The Light In Hidden Places.
JS: New York City or Los Angeles?
SB: New York, because Christmas is my favorite holiday and it looks so pretty there when it’s cold with all the pretty lights.
JS: Which scares you the most, public speaking or going to the dentist?
SB: Public speaking. I’m a perfectionist, so if it doesn’t go exactly how I want, it bothers me.
JS: What would you like the world to know about you, that it doesn’t already?
SB: Because I’m a blonde sometimes people think there’s not a lot of substance there, but once you get to know me you realize that’s not true. So don’t judge a book by it’s cover.