Supporting Diverse Goals

Supporting Diverse Goals Written by LaQuan Lucas-Harris, First Bank At First Bank, Our Promise to Service Excellence states, “We help our customers realize their dreams by providing financial solutions and building trusted relationships.” Associates at the bank focus on this Promise every day in the way they support one another, service their customers, and contribute…


“Umoja- Unity”

“Umoja- Unity” Eva Ogden, Pinnacle Financial Partners   Partnership with The Center for New North Carolinians: Umoja Women’s Refugee Support Group There are an estimated 242 languages spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).  One of these languages is Swahili.  In Swahili, Umoja means UNITY.  As our NC Central DEI Council members first…


Printer Friendly Visit us online: Website | NCBA LinkedIn | NCEL LinkedIn | InstagramNCBA Members, Recent events with the bank failures in California and New York have created uncertainty about the strength of the banking system in the media and among customers. The NCBA spent the past weekend on the phone with bankers and members of…
