Virtual Series: Bringing Consciousness Into Inclusive Decision-Making
What do the words “diversity, equity and inclusion” mean to you? How do these concepts translate to the bank? In this upcoming webinar series, Truist SVP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Oscar Santos will discuss these questions and more as he takes a deeper dive into the psychology behind inclusivity.
This series will be broken into three sessions:
- Session #1 – Breaking apart Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (July 28, 2021 @ 10:00 AM)
In this session, we will take a deep dive into each of the core areas of DE&I so audience members can better understand and support strategies, principles and expectations from a business and psychological safety perspective. - Session #2 – Identifying and Managing Beliefs that Lead to Exclusion (August 25, 2021 @ 2:00 PM)
This session will get deep into understanding how the human brain operates when it comes to seeing, understanding and experiencing the world and how sometimes these perspectives can lead to exclusion. It will also give participants an opportunity to explore ways that they can minimize these beliefs that lead to exclusion. - Session #3 – Five principles of Inclusive Leadership (September 29, 2021 @ 10:00 AM)
This session will give individuals (whether they manage/lead individuals at work or not) a closer look into behaviors and competencies needed in order for them to build inclusive environments whether at work, home or community.
Registration is complimentary, so don’t miss this crucial series from our DE&I Council!