To All CRA Officers: Bless Your Heart!

Have you ever been told “Bless your heart!” after talking about a challenging situation? Being from the South, this is what comes to mind when a banker tells me they’ve just been gifted with the title of “CRA Officer” along with all their other responsibilities. CRA requirements and compliance are evolving, therefore, learning the basics…

North Carolina Banks Receive $43,356 in Distributions from American Bankers Mutual Insurance, Ltd. $100.8 million has been declared in total distributions since 1991. American Bankers Mutual Insurance, Ltd., the reinsurer for the insurance program co-endorsed by American Bankers Association (ABA) and North Carolina Bankers Association (NCBA), declared a $3.5 million distribution to be shared by…

Agencies Release CRA Rulemaking

At an open board meeting on Tuesday, the federal banking agencies released a final rule that will fundamentally change how they will assess compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act. The interagency final rule spans 1,494 pages. On Tuesday, the NCBA circulated a member alert with additional details, including the effective dates of various provisions. The…